Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Reykjavik Iceland Day Two

We have a very early start today.  The alarm goes off at 6 am and breakfast is delivered soon after.  Like Princess, breakfast room service has a few hiccups.  First time they delivered no milk for the tea, even though we requested.  

Today we asked for fruit yoghurt and we got plain.  You learn to roll with it and enjoy.  Heck I didn't have to cook it.

We are off the ship at 715 and walk to the meeting spot for all private tours and also the hop on hop off.  

I pre booked a circle tour with thermal spa thru Grayline Tours.  We paid a small fee for pick up from the cruise port.  They picked up everyone on Greyline tours here and transported us to the main depot where we changed buses for our specific tour.  It was a nice smaller bus that transports around 25.

Our first stop was the National Park.  We picked up a sandwich here ($25 Canadian each) and ate them later.  Note you are not suppose to bring food ashore unless it is in a sealed package.  We didn't, but I did not see anyone checking.

Then we went to the geyser.

Next the waterfalls.  Absolutely amazing, wasn't expecting this.

Our last stop was to Secrets Thermal Pool, one of the oldest in Iceland.  We brought our bathing suit and towels but you can rent some if necessary.  Note changing rooms are communal and they ask that you shower before going in the pool.

After a long soak we are so relaxed.  

My only issue with this full day tour, started at 8 and ended at 5 was at each stop we were given so much time.  Usually after exploring the site you still had at least a half hour to kill time and one time we had over an hour after we had seen the waterfall before we left. 

Even at the pool we were given 2.5 hours here.  We spent an hour in the pool, half hour dressing before and after then waited around for an hour.   It didn't help that at the last 2 stops it was now raining and cold and not many places to sit and stay warm.  Might be good on a sunny warm day but that doesn't happen much here.

Back to the ship and we drop off all wet items and head up for supper.  At 6 pm the buffet is busy.  Many had the same idea as us.  

I like that the ship serves us, but I hate the long queues for food.  And really it is good they serve you because of germs but there are numerous spots that you have to serve yourself so what difference does it make.  None.  

Plus so many don't wash their hands!  We sat by the sinks often and I would guess 10% wash their hands.  I never saw a crew member suggesting people wash their hands either.  I wash before and after I get my food.

We are exhausted.  I have had a fibromyalgia flare up since we have arrived and this has meant 2 days with no sleep.  We crawl into bed and we are asleep at 8 pm!  

I wake 11 hours later.  Thank God, my first real night's sleep in a week.   I awake refreshed and in minimal discomfort.  I think that thermal pool is what did the trick.  

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