Monday, August 12, 2024

Djúpivogur Iceland

Now try saying that name fast, heck even just try and say that name!  

It is a tender port and we aren't in any rush to get off.  We enjoy a nice breakfast in the buffet.  Busy, but not crazy.

We head ashore when the open tender is called.  Which happens very quickly.  

It is cool, but the wind is what makes it feel colder.

It is a very small place, and we are quickly greeted by these two.  They are selling rocks.  Price is a steal.  $1 and you get a second for free.  We chat with them and offer to buy one.  The little girl offers me an extra little rock and says "here, this one is for you since you are so nice".  See be kind to one another and you are rewarded in life.  

We walk along the path that leads to the lighthouse to check out the rock eggs.  These 34 eggs represent eggs from all the birds found in Iceland.  Obviously or better yet thankfully they are all magnified. 

We do more walking and exploring.  

Stopped in the grocery store to compare prices.  Many items much higher than home.  

We stroll back to the port area and buy a hotdog from the stand.  Toppings are all homemade and each dog has these yummy crispy fried onions.  I choose some local sauces to add.  Very good!

Today is the Celebration of Life for Bernie's sister who passed last week.  We pop into the brewery right there and grab a drink and toast Bernette.  She always encouraged Bernie to travel and she is smiling down at us.

The skies have opened and it is raining now.  We get on the tender back to the ship and dry off in the cabin.  A quick nap is in order too.

Tonight is dinner at the Pinacle Grill.

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