Friday, August 9, 2024

First Evening on Board

We dress for dinner.  Tonight is casual night.  So Bernie wore his usual, Docker type pants and a lovely Tommy Bahama type shirt.  I wore a summer cotton dress.  However there were more than half of the guests tonight who were way more casual, even in the dining room.  Jeans, t shirt etc. 

I usually don't let what others are wearing bother me.  It does not affect how my night will go, and it is their holiday too.  But wanted to mention it here.  

We are assigned open dining on deck 2.  We show up at 1920, no lines at all.  However, we are still in port and many are either just getting back or dinned elsewhere.  We decide to share a table and we are sat at the back by the window at a table for eight.  It is a long rectangular table, so hard for conversation.  Conversations were had, albeit with the people right near you.

We had two women from California, one couple from the Seattle area, a lovely lady from Sydney Australia and us.  

Service was top notch!  A waiter and assistant waiter who took care of our needs.  I ordered a glass of wine and it came very quickly and before my starter.  The crew never felt rushed or stressed.  Again the dining room was quieter and it was 730.  I think many dined much earlier or at the buffet, or even ashore since we have a later departure.  

I had a nice starter of polenta calprese which was very yummy.  And I had a wonderful salmon with cous cous.  Cooked perfectly!  For dessert I had a cheese plate that was very well presented with a lovey bread cracker (no packaged crackers here) and a nice jam, grapes and date along with a few cheese pieces.  So far I am very impressed.  

There is an Irish Comedian in the theater at 9 pm by the name if George Cassey.  He was funny, old school Comedian, but the crowds loved him.  They must put the guest entertainers in the same area as I am, as his cabin is right beside ours.  

Oh when we got into the elevators I recognized a woman and then her husband and she said hi Vickie.  They were on the Greenland cruise last year with me when I worked with Princess.   Lovely couple.  Told them my talks are the same, but they weren't fazed by it.

Back in the cabin for 10 and we are quickly asleep.  Overall it was a great day and we are very happy.

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