Thursday, April 26, 2018

Corporate Survey On Board

This afternoon Bernie attended the survey that he was invited to do.  It took place in Botticelli Dining Room at 3 pm.

He described to me what happened and I am reporting it here.

There were around ten tables of 12 people throughout the room.  At each table were the participants, a moderator, someone to take notes, and one other to oversee.

Each table had it's own topic.  Bernie's table was all about the Princess@Sea app.  Others were Entertainment, Dining, Shorex etc.

Questions were asked and each person responded at the table. 

Bernie commented that everyone at his table was Elite but not sure what the make up of the other tables were. 

He was surprised at how many at his table did not know much about the Princess@Sea app making it difficult to participate.

He stated that many confussed the intranet with the internet.  That they did not know that the app did not use their internet minutes. 

Questions were asked about how to improve the system, what they would like to see, what they don't like and Bernie told them his ideas and how the App is lacking and could be used for so much more.

The survey took exactly 45 minutes, as they said and he was back in the cabin at 3:50.