Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Are We Famous? Hardly? But it Was Pretty Cool

A week ago I received a message on my facebook fan page Cruising Princess Cruise Line with Vickie saying "CBC news calling, would like to chat about cruising, email me".  For those of you who are not in Canada or don't know CBC, CBC is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation a national channel that is publicly run and does tv and radio, and is one of our favorite for news and shows.

Cool I thought, as you know I love everything to do with cruise travel.  So I fired off an email to Aaron that day and he responded saying they were doing a story to air nationally on cruising and the deals currently out there.

I told him I am not a travel agent just a cruise fan that has sailed quite a bit (certainly there are many others that have done more than us).  But he assured me that no they just wanted the perspective from a cruise traveller on the benefits of cruising.

A camera person arrived soon after at our home and Bernie and I were interviewed.  The interview lasted about 15 minutes and they asked us all kinds of questions.  How many cruises, where is your favorite place, why do you cruise, cost of cruising, cruising over land vacations.

The short interviewed aired on April 1, 2013 and was shown throughout the day.  Here is the link  Link to CBC Cruise Story

After seeing it I thought wow do I really sound like that?  Then I thought not a bad interview, really liked how they put in our pictures at the begining like that.  But was saddened to see the stories about Costa and the Carnvial Ship and the fact that they showed a clip that talked about sewage.  As we know now that issues on the Carnival ship were not that bad and people on board said they didn't encounter issues with sewage or lack of food but did say it wasn't perfect but they managed and no one was hurt.

Then the fact that they seem to say in one breath that the deals were because of some of these incidents and then the expert said it is shoulder season and this is common.  I agree with the expert and I did say this in the interview but it was not used.

We have seen great deals this Spring but they are no better than other years and maybe even a little higher in price.

Cruise booking actually went up in February and March CLIA says so the incidents on Carnvial don't seem to be impacting bookings.  It certainly won't stop us from booking any cruise.  There are constant incidents on planes every day from over booking, delays, cancellations and mechanical issues and people keep flying.

In the end I am glad they did this story and I am glad we were a part of it.


  1. Oh wow, that surely is pretty neat! It's great to hear that you became part of that story from CBC and I hope that this wouldn't be the last! Cheers and more memorable and safe cruise trips to come!

  2. Vickie, it's Dianne (SeaFan) And yes that was very cool! You guys handled yourself like pros and looked good too!

    Great Job!

  3. nice story. and you both look pretty nice together. i will definitely visit your blog again.
    Dhow Cruise Dubai

  4. Don't worry about the sewerage issue, as long as you answered everything on the the interview honestly you guys are still amazing. I hope I can also experience going on a cruise someday.
